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wiccaning index

Caution! Witch at Work! Pages May Appear Without Notice!

Merry meet, and welcome! If you are interested in the religion Wicca, or maybe just
someone looking into the art of Witchcraft, you're welcome here! I hope you can find what you're
looking for here. If you have any questions you're welcome to send them to me at any time, and
if I can't answer your question I will try to find someone who can. Thank you for visiting, again, and enjoy your stay!
Blessed be! -- [Bookwyrm]

Please do not distribute the content of this wiki or any pages associated
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This wiki won 1st place in the Best Wiki Award!


Grimoire The Seeker's Bill of Rights

The Wiccans The Wiccaning Banners

The Wiccaning Updates Something Witchy This Way Comes

Supported-Wiki Links

I will not tolerate liars, "playgans", or hateful people. This includes members. If you
cause trouble on my wiki, you will be reported and removed from the wiki. You have been forewarned.
Also, to forestall any potential arguments on the matter, Wicca is not the oldest religion
on the planet. It is entirely a New Age religion, created on the basis of witchcraft.
If you start that argument here, you will be re-educated.


[Disclaimer:] The purpose of this site is to give general information to the reader.
I, Elfpack, or any directly, or indirectly affiliated entity disclaim any liability to any person,
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is at the discretion of the reader, and is their sole responsibility.

This wiki is a Safe Zone.

About the Author:
I am not a leading authority on Wicca, Witchcraft, the Mysteries, or anything at all really.
I am not a teacher of Wicca or Witchcraft. I am not a High Priestess. I am not all-knowing,
and I am not "always right". I am a young woman winding her way down her spiritual path.
A young woman who would like to share with others her experiences and information, in
hopes of learning of their experiences and information as well. I am a young woman searching
for others of like-minds and similar beliefs. I am a young woman who is dedicated, intelligent,
and devoutly spiritual in her own mind. I am searching for spiritual satisfaction and happiness.
I hope that this is enough for my members, friends, and family.


References & Sources

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2007-08-24 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol thats a good thing! XP

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: Thank you Stephy! =]

2007-08-24 [Steph-O-Melon]: See!!

^^ -hugs Danny-

2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: *hugs Stephy*

^___^ I love my Stephy!!

2007-08-26 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ ILY! teehee

2007-09-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: See! This banner background works. I don't know why the others are stubborn. o-0

2007-09-08 [Bookwyrm]: This banner is a background essentially. o.O There's no transparency.

2007-09-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: Oh okay, -nods- gotcha. *pretending I understand*

2007-09-09 [shinobi14]: *pets Stephy*

Its okay, im not that good with it either. ^__^

2007-09-09 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- This banner works because there is no transparency for your computer to mess with. If you were to open the image up in an art program, the image would cover the entire space rather than leave blank spots.

2007-09-09 [Steph-O-Melon]: -purrs- lol

I kinda get you... better then before atleast. Yesh. ^^

2007-09-10 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well, it's an improvement. -pats-

2007-09-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: -meow- ^-^

Yuppers it is. hehe

2007-09-10 [shinobi14]: Meow? O___O Ish Stephy a Kittah?

2007-09-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: Sometimes. -nods- XD

hehe -licks paw-

2007-09-10 [shinobi14]: *pets fuzzy Stephy*

2007-09-10 [Steph-O-Melon]: -purrs- :D

2007-09-18 [Bookwyrm]: Mabon is coming up fast folks, so be sure to get things prepared for this special holiday! September 21st is a mere three days away, so light a fire under your cauldron and get ready! ^_^ See our ::Mabon:: page for altar ideas, symbol and correspondence lists, ideas for appropriate spellwork, and even delicious recipes if you're up for cooking!

Unfortunately, I'll be working that evening, but I'm still hoping to prepare a nice lunch for myself and my hubby before I have to trudge to work. Won't be much of a holiday, but it'll still be one! ^_^ What are y'all planning?

2007-09-18 [Bookwyrm]: And new layout! :D EDIT: Also, there's a new banner on The Wiccaning Banners. ^_^

2007-09-18 [Steph-O-Melon]: Oooh -sampers to go see-

2007-09-18 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- It's just like the one on my house.'s the entire reason I changed my house. XD I wanted my house to match it.

2007-09-18 [Steph-O-Melon]: I love the new ness it really makes the fall theme perfect.

2007-09-18 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Yus! ^_^

2007-09-18 [shinobi14]: It does. Well done indeed, Traci. <3

Gah, i love your ::Mabon:: page!! Its full of ideas!! Muchas gracias!!

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: That it is. I love all your stuff Traci. I still say you should write a book!

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you Danny! ^_^ And you're very welcome. The Sabbat pages are some of my favourites. I've spent months working on them alone...and I just keep wanting to change and add more as time goes on.

-giggle- Maybe one day...when I really feel comfortable with such an idea. But I definitely don't feel I should jump the gun or anything. x_X

Do you guys realize that in a few short months, this wiki will be TWO years old? It seems like only a week ago I started this project...-sighs and gets all teary-eyed- I LOVE YOU GUYS! T_T

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: Well if and when you ever do. I'll buy 4. ^^ AND you better autograph them for me. ^^ teehee

wow. It's crazy how time passes so quickly. -voice cracks- I love you too! -hugs-

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: XD You know I would! I'd be like...okay...we've got to save four for Petal 'cause I have to sign them and send them to her directly. And my publisher would just stare at me, thinking "Who the **** is this Petal person?" XD

I know! I'm amazed really...I knew it had passed the one year mark...or at least part of me acknowledged that...but...still! XD -clings to her and sobs openly- XD

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD rotfl I can soo see you saying that!!

-tear- Lil babies growing so fast. -sob- -clings- XD

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: I would! You know I would! ^_^

Babies do grow fast. o_o You know what's making me really, really depressed though? You know that list of pages I have on this wiki? The one that tells me how many I have and all's on my dead laptop...and...hasn't been updated in forever and a day ago. I'm going to have to start from scratch! T_T

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ teehee

Ohhh that's a bummer! :(

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: Yus. T_T Especially since that means I have to surf through over 300 pages. Oh'll be nice to go through and see what I need to update/change.

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: That sounds like a good weekend project. ^^ Well if you have a weekend off that is. XD

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: I don't remember. x_X I'll have to check my schedule. XD ANd even when I have the weekend off I don't really have it off. XD That just means HOUSEWORK! But that's something I enjoy, so I'm not complaining. I can probably do it over a period of a few days anyway. :D

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: True! XD Well it can be a project over a period of time you work on in your extra time. ^^

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: Yus! ^_^ Though I'll probably end up doing it over a weekend. XD I have a hard time spreading things out.

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD me too. I get distracted too easily.

2007-09-19 [shinobi14]: *gasps* Two.. years..? ZOMG.

Well done, Witchy. ;) Im proud of your creation. I would imagine at the start it was a lot smaller... and then you just kept adding pages. Am I right?

*hugs both* <3

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ Isn't she great? teehee


2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- At the start, it was a page that said "shhh!" Hubby had decided that he wanted to make a page about Wicca--just to meet other people--but he didn't know much about making wiki-pages and thought I could help...Erm...I didn't care for the name he'd picked out. XD I don't remember what it was, but it was just something unimaginative in my opinion, so I sat for a day or two thinking of a good name. And I came up with The Wiccaning. Not only was it a "cool" name, but it seemed like it fit, you know? Not only was I intending to bring veteran Wiccans and witches to this wiki, but new Wiccans and witches, and even people who were just interested in the idea. So I wanted to reserve the name. Well...hubby decided he didn't want to do it anyway, so I took over completely. XD I started out with just the charges and a few tidbits of information...and here we are! ^__^ I saved all my updates through the years on older update-pages so that I could go back and remember those restless nights I spent working hard to bring life to this wiki. ^_____^ It's my baby.

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD That's so kewl!! ^^ Maybe you can have an entire website as your own! It's definatly big enough!

2007-09-19 [Bookwyrm]: I intend to make it a day. XD But when I have money so I can afford to pay for the domain name rather than use something like geocities. x_X

2007-09-19 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD What type of website? Like the normal one? Or the one where there's a few people who run it and have a blog thinger?

2007-09-20 [Bookwyrm]: You lost me...o.O

2007-09-20 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol Never mind. A lot of websites I've seen have like 3 or four people that take care of it all together. And they have a blog on a wing of the website just for them to do updating and all that...

No worries. ^^

2007-09-20 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah...never heard of that. XD

2007-09-20 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD Well... I don't know. lol

2007-09-20 [Bookwyrm]: Mind you, my only regular websites are Elfpack, Elftown, Neopets, ffxiclopedia, and sometimes myspace. XD

2007-09-20 [Steph-O-Melon]: Hrm never heard of the fourth one there. lol

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: XD I play Final Fantasy XI, and that place has tons of information on it. ;D

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: Happy Mabon everyone!!! ^_^

2007-09-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD Niiiice!

I have Merry Mabon written on the back of my hand today. My TV teacher noticed it on my hand, asked me about it, and then explained to the whole class that today was Mabon and the whole fall equanox lol I don't think I spelt that right. o-0 haha

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Sweet! I'd do that, but I'd have to wash it off. We're not allowed a religious bias at work. Which isn't too bad--we have to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas to include everyone, which I feel is a grand idea. ^_^

Equinox. ^_^

2007-09-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ Yeah it does make more sense to say Happy Holidays. One of my kinda-friends looked at my hand was was all o-0 eh? and she calls herself Wiccan and I wanted to call her a fluff bunny sooooo bad! lol I don't think she knows what that is though! XD

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: XD I had a once-friend like that. However she was fake all around, so we stopped being friends. Now she's apparently found Christ. XD

2007-09-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD haha

And I got sooooo pissed at her because after that she went back to he chair and was talking to the girl behind me and she told her she's reading about hitler because he was the bomb and she wants to be a skin head. I was like WTF! I was sooo aggrivated I couldn't find anything to say. >.<

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: UGH! T_T Yes, that very much reminds me of my once-friend. I really cannot see why people feel the need to completely destroy a religion because they think they're being cool. -_-

2007-09-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: Oh I know!! I've gotten rid of a lot of friends just simply for them acting that way about Hitler and all that. I can't STAND that what so ever. The Hulocaust is one thing I am strongly set against and it drives me up the wall when people act like it was good or no big deal. >.<

2007-09-21 [Bookwyrm]: I just have a problem with liars, fakers, and stupidity. XD

2007-09-21 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD lol Yeah me too. ^^

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: x_X Stupidity should hurt. X_x I know it hurts me...XD

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: I always told my friend Ben that one quote I saw on the contest. Laughter is contagious, but stupidity is viral. lol

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Very true.

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: I thought it was cute. ^^

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Yus. -yawns- Oooh I'm so lazy today. I know there's a ton of stuff I need to do today but I just haven't had the urge to pour myself out of bed yet. XD

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: Lucky! ^^ I didn't sleep to well last night either so it was easier to get up.

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: XD I slept like a rock...but when I got home from work last night I was dead tired. I'm so excited though...I spoke to my favourite manager night before last about switching over to four-hour shifts. I've been working eight-hour shifts even though I'm part-time and I've lost a lot of strength in my left knee because of it. Usually about halfway through my shift I start limping from pain. x_X So she spoke to our general manager and she said that it was fine. I'll be working 6 days a week, but only four hours! ^_^ I'm so happy! It won't change over for another two or three weeks though. x_X

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: That's great! -hugs- Too bad the timing wasn't sooner but still that's fabulous!

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah...Well, it took me hurting my knee to make me desperate enough to talk to a manager. XD Fortunately it worked out. I don't want to quit--it's an easy job. It's annoying, it's degrading, and it's a little bit painful...but it's easy. And I like most of the people I work with. But if they hadn't switched me over I would've had to have given my two weeks notice. It's just not worth the pain. x_X

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah no matter what the job is, you shouldn't do it if it hurts doing it.

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Agreed. ^_^

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: teehee My g-ma was a lil aprehensive about me working as a cashiere since I wrote down for as many hours as I could on the weekend, for the same reason. ^^

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha well, I imagine you'd lighten the load a bit if you were able to spread your hours out.

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah but I can only get a job on the weekend since I have no car. >.> hah.

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah. x_X One day...

2007-09-22 [Steph-O-Melon]: Hopefully sooner then later. XD I really need to start driving more then anything... I don't have a license either. XD

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well get one! You'll need it one day!

2007-09-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah I will! XD I don't go anywhere so I never drive. I'm really nervous about driving when I do, unless it from here to my parents house. XD

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: It's not as bad as you might think. I was so scared when I first started driving that it took me several drives out to get over 20mph. And when I got on the highway? Nearly fainted. x_X But now I absolutely love to drive. It's sad that fuel is so bad for our environment, because otherwise I'd drive just for fun. It really gives me a chance to clear my head. I've yet to find anything that is more relaxing than being on a backroad in my car, all by myself, with the windows cracked or turned up, and just letting the sunlight and wind warm and cool me at the same time. It's very peaceful. Now...driving in the city isn't quite as peaceful, but I still get a similar taste of freedom. :D

2007-09-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD Yeah I'm soo nervous just to drive to wal mart and I always drive slow when I do so people get all med. teehee And I suck at parking in a parking apace at stores. XD I think I'd die if I went on the highway. We don't live around any.

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: XD Just give it time. I promise.

2007-09-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe Yeah. I have till this summer to get it all worked out. ^^ College. XD

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: XD

2007-09-23 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah, and the stupid cell phone store has my learners license. They copied it for their records and never gave it back! They I told them to mail it and they said they'd send it the next day. They still have it there! They never sent it! GAH!

-chucks cell phone at them-

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: x_X Call them every single day until they send it. Annoy them enough and they'll do it. XD It took the DPS office three months to get me my license. x_X

2007-09-24 [Steph-O-Melon]: Wow. x_X That's rediculous. My g-ma said she was going to call them when she was at work to see. lol

2007-09-24 [Bookwyrm]: x_x Yes...yes it is. But at least I've got it now. x_x

2007-09-24 [Steph-O-Melon]: Well that's good atleast. hehe I hope you wouldn't be driving around w/out one. ^^

2007-09-25 [Midori]: Someone...explain Mother Reed to me..

2007-09-25 [Bookwyrm]: Mother Reed? Wow, you've definitely lost me there. ^^' I could try and do some research for you, however. :D

Oh, and I wasn't driving around without one. I had my temp-license. :D

2007-09-25 [Steph-O-Melon]: Hrm... don't think I've heard of it either.

Well thats good! XD

2007-09-26 [shinobi14]: No.. i haven't either. >.< We are a fine group together, eh? =]

Did everyone enjoy Mabon?

2007-09-26 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD hehe. I'm sure we can scrounge up something. ^^

Yusses. ^^

2007-09-26 [Bookwyrm]: Hmm, okay I've found absolutely nothing about anyone named Mother Reed. Well, apart from genealogy lists that state things like Mother: Reed, FIRSTNAMEHERE and things like that. Where did you hear this from, [Midori]?

It was fairly nice. It was a busy day for me, but I took a moment to silence my thoughts and reflect on the changing of the seasons at least. :)

2007-09-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: o-0 I'd try to look but I know if you can't find anything about it 100 to 1 no one else will. XD


2007-09-27 [Bookwyrm]: ^^' It might help if I had an idea what I was looking for. I mean, the subject matter or what-have-you. XD

2007-09-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol I don't think any of us have that. XD

2007-09-27 [shinobi14]: I think it might be literature. Maybe be a version of the Wiccan Rede... With typos. ^__^

And i did a version of the ritual on here, with some personal changes to make it... well... more personal. ^__^

2007-09-27 [Bookwyrm]: Perhaps. I'm just confused about the mother part. ^^' Hopefully she'll get back with me. Perhaps I'll send her a message, actually. <3 [Midori]

Aww, yay! ^_^ I hope it turned out well for you.

2007-09-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: Sweet! That sounds fun. ^^

2007-11-05 [Pretty Pixie]: Hey all! I haven't been on in a while so I can tell the page has changed quite a bit! It looks really nice [Bookwyrm]! ^^

2007-11-05 [Bookwyrm]: :D Thank you very much! ^_^ I haven't updated it in quite a while...Hopefully I'll have a yuletide layout made for December. XD

2007-11-05 [shinobi14]: Can't wait for Yule! ^___^ =D One of my favourite times of the year. *sighs and smiles*

2007-11-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: heh. I never really liked Yule.

2007-11-06 [Pretty Pixie]: Yule! <3 It is my favorite time of the year every year ^^

2007-11-07 [Bookwyrm]: It is my favourite time of the year every year too. XD I'm a sucker for the colours and the emotions and the...-is excited- I JUST LOVE IT!

2007-11-07 [Pretty Pixie]: I know! The only thing right now though is this is the first year I have a retail job with actual things ppl buy as gifts >< I'm going to be in a book store this holiday season and I'm scared.

2007-11-07 [Bookwyrm]: XD That's too.

2007-11-07 [shinobi14]: Hehe... books rock.

... >_> <_< ... Geology rocks. ^___^

And what i love about Yule is the feeling in the air, the "magick" if you like. And the happiness in everybody's hearts make mine feel warm. <3

... Oh, and the fact that I get presents. =D

2007-11-07 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- That's what I like about it. Eh, presents are fun, but I really just love the closeness of family. ^_^

2007-11-07 [shinobi14]: Family, friends, even my familiar seems closer to me at Yule. ^-^

2007-11-07 [Bookwyrm]: I know. ^____^

2007-11-08 [Pretty Pixie]: I love the feeling in the air of the cheerfulness of the season. Everyone's worries seem to disappear and everything is just replaced with a sense of calm and happiness.

2007-11-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: I've never like the whole Yule season, I love the weather and all that. But my mom and all... so it's pretty bad...

2007-11-08 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah, I understand that. When I lived with my mom and her ex-husband, I wasn't too fond of yuletide. But I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful grandmother who fixed all that. :)

2007-11-08 [shinobi14]: *dances, happy for Traci*

2007-11-08 [Bookwyrm]: I have le Super Granny. ^___^

2007-11-08 [shinobi14]: I have le Granny in the Summerland. >.<

2007-11-08 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs- Well that's not bad either. :D It is sad when our friends, families, and lovers aren't with us physically anymore, but they can't help but be with us in spirit. My grandfather is there too. I miss him. Quite a bit actually, more than I had imagined I would, but I know he doesn't feel sadness anymore, and he's better off where he is than in suffering as he was before he had gone. :) And he's still with me. I find myself singing little songs that he would sing when he came through the door in the evenings after work, or doing something that he used to do. And my husband, good GOD are they alike. XD Sometimes more than appreciated...XD But I still love him, and love him even more for helping me keep my grandpa alive for me.

2007-11-08 [shinobi14]: Traci, you are little short of amazing. =D

2007-11-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: She so is isn't she?

2007-11-09 [Bookwyrm]: Was that a slight on my height Danny? :O

XD Just kidding.

2007-11-09 [Steph-O-Melon]: XD lmao. hehe.

-pst- She's not kidding. :P

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: Awwww!! ^-^ I've just took a trip to your house due to curiosity... and AWWW!! You are adorably short. <3

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD I work with two girls shorter than me. I'm so jealous. XD

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: Wow. I totally dig teh short. ;)

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD I looooooooooove being a short person. In fact, I love it so much I believe I'm not short enough. XD Then again, I am appreciative of my height. I'm just short enough to be "adorably short" without all the complications of being "too short." XD

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: Exactly! ^____^

You have a rather positive way of thinking. =D Me loves <3

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: -chuckles- I don't know any other way to be...really...XD

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: You need a new picture in your house. ^___^ In my opinion, me thinks. XD

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: Well yes, sure, that'd be lovely if I ever had time to get all prettied up for a picture and take one with my cell since my scanner is brok'd. :P

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: ¬¬ You don't need to get "prettied up" for a picture. >.< You are fairly pretty, as far as I can see. Although, you might have been "prettied". >.< Just 1 honest picture is all i want. Send it to my inbox if you are shy.

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: XD I had makeup on, yes. I have posted a non-makeup picture before. I looked essentially the same. I mean, without lipstick yeah, that was different. Maybe I'll take a picture tomorrow. Right now I don't feel much up to it. :P

2007-11-11 [shinobi14]: That's fine too. XD

2007-11-11 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ It's just been a veeery busy day. XD

2007-11-12 [Steph-O-Melon]: ^^ I love it when people put new pictures up. ^^

2007-11-13 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well Elfpack was down yesterday. And today I woke up very late (late night), but I'll try to get one up today. XD I don't change pictures often, I don't change my look often. XD

2007-11-15 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe. Well it's always a good look so no worries.

2007-11-15 [Bookwyrm]: -pats- That's what you think. You've never seen me early in the morning.

2007-11-26 [Steph-O-Melon]: Hehe. I look horrid in the morning! XD

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: -grins- Same here.

2007-11-26 [shinobi14]: I bet you don't.. all girls say they look horrible. I prefer "natural". ;)

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: You know, I hear that from my husband a lot...but...I always get told "wow, you look pretty" or "aww, aren't you cute" after I've applied make-up. So I trust no one that says that until I've been around them long enough to see them react to both. XD

2007-11-26 [shinobi14]: ... >_> <_< I tell you what. I'll just say you are pretty anyway, because the human body is very beautiful, without make-up. Therefore, you are pretty. ^___^

2007-11-26 [Vampyr Kisses]: This may be a dumb question, but has anyone heard of the Great Rite?

2007-11-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe. Yeah no guys have ever spent the night so they don't see me in the morning. XD So I still go by my opinion of ucky morning looks. lol

2007-11-27 [Bookwyrm]: -grins- Fair enough Danny.

Heard of it? Yes, though honestly (and may a more educated Wiccan reprimand me), I can't remember much about it. If you like, I can look up some information for you. :)

-grins- I'm sure you're always beautiful Petal. Perhaps not to your liking, but always beautiful. ^_^

2007-11-27 [Vampyr Kisses]: Could you please? I would really appreciate it!

2007-11-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah, I've heard of it but, don't remember. hehe Been a little busy lately other stuff on le mind. heh.

-hugs- You're too sweet. And the same goes for you missy. ^^

2007-11-28 [Vampyr Kisses]: I mean, I remember hearing about it, but I don't remember any details at all. I just know a couple of my friends are talking about joining my friend's mum's coven and they're celebrating Yule with the Great Rite...or something like that.

2007-11-28 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- I have definitely heard of it, but I just can't remember. I will look something up for you though. ^_^

2007-11-28 [shinobi14]: Ahhh... right. Okay, so they will celebrate Yule with the Great Rite, eh? Okay, i will tell you a little about it.

From what I can recall, it is merely a small ritual in which the whole coven is involved, but most of it revolve around the High Priest and Priestess. It starts with the fivifold kiss (given by the male), he then dresses her in a veil, and ends up having sexual intercourse with the High Priestess (once the rest of the coven have left and sealed the Circle behind them). It is a very intimate ritual, and is supposed to symbolise the joining of male and female.

That is all I can remember now... lets see what Witchy can dig up for you. =]

2007-11-29 [Vampyr Kisses]: Thank you so much! ^_^

2007-12-08 [Pretty Pixie]: Hey all. Completely off topic thing but I have a favor to ask. If you all don't mind that is. It's just my boyfriend's pop pop is in the hospital right now and his condition has been on a roller coaster from bad to good to bad again. And I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind sending some positive energy his way maybe? In hopes he gets better or at least for his suffering to end. My boyfriend and I are really worried and hoping he gets better soon. If you do thank you so so sooooo much.

2007-12-08 [shinobi14]: Well, I'll try. Could you at least tell me his name, or where he is? =]

2007-12-08 [Pretty Pixie]: St. Mary's hospital in PA and his name is Leo Fisher. Thank you so much Shinobi I really appreciate it ^^ *hugs*

2007-12-09 [shinobi14]: *smiles* My pleasure. ^___^

2007-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: I'm certain it's belated, but as for the information on the Great Rite:

The Great Rite is either sexual intercourse, or a representation of such. As it is not always prudent for two people to have intercourse in front of their coven, some consider a way to represent such an act with symbolism. This is most often done by the High Priest "plunging" the ritual athame, which represents masculinity, into the chalice, which represents femininity, which has been filled with wine and is being held by the High Priestess. This symbolizes the union of the Maiden and her Lover, and is considered a fertility rite. :) Sorry it took me so long to respond, but it took me some time to research it a bit. :)

[Pretty Pixie] - We're sending all the positive energies in y'all's direction. :) Hoping you're well. -sends love-

2007-12-26 [L V F]: Merry Meet all How have all you been?

2007-12-26 [Bookwyrm]: TIRED! XD And you?

2007-12-31 [Pretty Pixie]: Thanks [Bookwyrm] I really appreciate it ^^ He's back on the roller coaster unfortunately but I hope it all turns out for the best.

2007-12-31 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs- We're thinking of you both. ^-^

2007-12-31 [Steph-O-Melon]: Indeed thinking of you both.

2008-01-01 [Vampyr Kisses]: Thank you very much, [Bookwyrm]! I really appreciate it!

2008-01-01 [shinobi14]: "Celebrate The Harvest With Us"? Tis past Yule now. So very far from harvest, dear. =D

JoO probably don't have the time... which I can understand. =]

2008-01-01 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes Danny- If you're so worried about it, you fix it. XD I've been trying to catch up with my Elfpack work, and I'm just now about to finish with the Elfpack Poetry deal I've been trying to do. Once I get those major projects out of the way, I'll redo the layout here. ^_^

2008-01-02 [Steph-O-Melon]: Ooooh what now?!? lol

2008-01-02 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles-

2008-01-02 [L V F]: Been allright

2008-01-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yeah I know how you feel Traci I've been soooooo overwhelmed my poor twilight hour!!

2008-01-05 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im so bored mommmmmyyyyy

2008-01-05 [Bookwyrm]: It has been crazy. X_X

2008-01-05 [Steph-O-Melon]: Oh yes. CRAZY!!

2008-01-05 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im tired mommy

2008-01-05 [Bookwyrm]: I'm sorry sweetie, why don't you take a rest. :)

2008-01-08 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: cant no sleep for the wicked<img:mood18-gif.gif>

2008-01-08 [Bookwyrm]: Oh hah hah. :P

2008-01-08 [Steph-O-Melon]: I'm tired too... have to go to school... I skipped yesterday... which was our first day back in like 3 weeks almost. lol

2008-01-08 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: hehe i did to but it started last week

2008-01-09 [Bookwyrm]: -hasn't been to school in practically a year...-

2008-01-09 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i wanna be youuuu

2008-01-09 [Bookwyrm]: Nah, you don't want to be me. Unless, of course, you want a husband. ^^

2008-01-09 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: 0.o mabye not.....
but i am bi so mabye
is he any good in the bedroom XO<img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif><img:mood5-gif.gif>

2008-01-09 [Bookwyrm]: He's excellent in the bedroom, thank you, but he's all MINE. -gets territorial-

2008-01-09 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: you offered so im taking

2008-01-09 [Bookwyrm]: I offered nothing. -glares-

2008-01-09 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: "Unless, of course, you want a husband." ok

2008-01-09 [Bookwyrm]: 'Twas jest, only. -continues to glare-

2008-01-10 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ohhh ok fine what ever *waits for the hubbie so he can punce*

2008-01-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: Hehe... I yelled at a friend of mine a week ago for flirting with Donny... I'm territorial too. lol

2008-01-11 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: looks ay her* wha im donny ???  names donovan short donny

2008-01-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: Nooo... It was just an example of me being territorial like her. It's not short for Donovan...

2008-01-11 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: are you sure?

2008-01-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: Yes, his name is Donald.

2008-01-11 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: damb

2008-01-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol sorry?

2008-01-11 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ok

2008-01-11 [Bookwyrm]: I will gut you if you try to pounce on my hubbie. :) I'm not so much of a pacifist I won't protect what's mine.

2008-01-11 [Steph-O-Melon]: hehe. Me too. lol

2008-01-11 [Bookwyrm]: -grins- At least I'm not alone! XD

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